GOD ALMIGHTY is the First Author.
This First Author gives me a voice
The Anointing is not a showing yet a knowing. GOD speaks.
There was a man despite is heart intention would offend people or give people the wrong impression on him.
You are a Viking at the dinner table. GOD says to me.
This expression is quite extreme yet on point. Imagine a Viking or berserker warrior of renown at the dinner table. Talk about reckless or strange dinner etiquette. The presence of a viking at the dinner table would not be pleasent yet extremly life changing. Imagine the viking or warrior eating the food like a beast devouring prey. Could you imagine a lion which ,would completely tear his prey apart as a dinner guest. The carnage would be violent, a mauling, vigorus thrashing. This how a vessel that claims to be a vessel of JESUS or Christian would appear . I was very disturbing to a room even a professional occasion. Imagine a vessel that,claims the honor of being a Christian, looking and acting so extream attempting to provide peace and charm to others . How would they be recieved? This type would be rejected or called crazy.